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Ultimate The Ultimate 7 Day Financial Fitness Challenge

About this Workbook:

This workbook is designed to assist you in reaching financial wellness by offering practical tips and exercises for setting goals, tracking spending, creating a budget, managing debt, saving/investing for the long run, as well as safeguarding your assets.

Pathways to Presence

About this Workbook:

Discover the transformative power of mindfulness with "Pathways to Presence: Mastering Mindful Techniques for Stress Reduction, Emotional Balance, and Personal Growth." This comprehensive guide offers practical advice and actionable techniques to help you experience the life-changing benefits of mindfulness.

The Ultimate Stress-Relief Tool Kit

About this Book:

Introducing "The Ultimate Stress-Relief Tool Kit: Simple Strategies for a Happier, Healthier Life," a practical guide to help readers manage and reduce stress in their daily lives. This book offers a range of effective strategies, including mindfulness-based practices, physical activity, sleep hygiene, social support, and creative outlets.

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